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    Battle Arena Toshinden Games - Giant Bomb (11)

    Franchise »

    A series of weapons-based fighting games developed by Tamsoft. The series gained early fame on the Playstation, but quickly declined in popularity with the appearance of such fighting games as Tekken.

    Short summary describing this franchise.


    • Toshinden December 10, 2009 Wii A short-lived Japan-only reboot of the Battle Arena Toshinden series from DreamFactory, now with an all-new cast of characters and a free-movement fighting system.
    • Toshinden 4 August 12, 1999 PS1 This is the fourth installment of the "Battle Arena Toshinden" franchise. It was released in 1999.
    • Toshinden Card Quest April 2, 1998 PS1 A card battle game based on the Toshinden fighting game series.
    • Puzzle Arena Toshinden June 20, 1997 PS1 The characters of Battle Arena Toshinden come together in this rather shameless low-budget Puyo Puyo clone.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden 3 December 27, 1996 PS1 The third installment of the 3D weapon-based fighting game series, Battle Arena Toshinden 3 doubles the game's roster while introducing new gameplay changes (such as combo chains and enclosed arenas). It is also the last in the series to be released in North America.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden Ultimate Revenge Attack September 27, 1996 SAT Based on Battle Arena Toshinden 2, this spin-off features a brand new story involving a mysterious murder spree of famous fighters.
    • Battle Arena Nitoshinden September 20, 1996 PS1 A Japanese-exclusive super-deformed spin-off of the Battle Arena Toshinden series of 3D fighting games.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden Remix November 24, 1995 SAT A port of Battle Arena Toshinden on the Playstation. This new version of the game features new content, including an exclusive character: Cupido, as well as a story mode.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden 2 November 1995 PS1 ARC PC Released close to its main competitor (Soul Edge), the sequel to the first-ever 3D weapon-based fighting game brings its blades to arcades (for its first and only time).
    • Battle Arena Toshinden January 1, 1995 GB PS1 + 6 more SAT PS3N PC RZON PSPN PSNV The first 3D fighting game released for the PlayStation, Battle Arena Toshinden introduces both the side-step maneuver and weapon-based combat to the genre.

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      Battle Arena Toshinden Games - Giant Bomb (2025)


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